ICLEI constitutes the highest decision-making unit through regional representatives voted by members.

The main governance components of ICLEI: Global Executive Committee (GexCom), Regional Executive Committee (RexComs) and Global Council (ICLEICouncil) are elected by members every three years.

The ICLEI Global Executive Committee represents all ICLEI members from a global perspective to conduct international exchanges and formulate organizational development strategies. Each of the nine regions of the world has an independent ICLEI Executive Committee (RexComs), which is responsible for reviewing initiatives and projects in the region.

The Global Council is composed of members of the regional executive committees. It is the highest decision-making unit of ICLEI. It is responsible for formulating strategic plans as an action plan, and has the power to modify rules and regulations and vote for the global executive committee.

All ICLEI members are eligible to be elected as members of the regional executive committee and have the right to vote. Each regional executive committee will elect a member representative, and the project committee responsible for each field of work will form a global executive committee; the chairman, first vice chair and two vice chairpersons of the global executive committee will represent the global organization and co-lead ICLEI global Board of Directors and Global Executive Committee.

Daisaku Kadokawa
Mayor, Kyoto City
Daisaku Kadokawa
Mayor, Kyoto City

Portfolio Seat on Low Carbon and Climate Change Mitigation

Jeong Hyup Seo
Acting Mayor, Seoul
Jeong Hyup Seo
Acting Mayor, Seoul

Portfolio Seat on Air Quality Improvement and Regional Cooperation

Jia Lina
Vice Mayor, Changchun City
Jia Lina
Vice Mayor, Changchun City

Portfolio Seat on Green, Circular and Resource-Efficient Economy

Cheng-Ta Hsieh
Deputy Mayor, New Taipei City
Cheng-Ta Hsieh
Deputy Mayor, New Taipei City

Portfolio seat on Resilience and climate adaptatio

Yeom Tae-young
Mayor, Suwon City
Yeom Tae-young
Mayor, Suwon City

Portfolio Seat on Sustainable Urban Mobility

Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh
President | Mayor, City of Malmö, Sweden
Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh
President | Mayor, City of Malmö, Sweden

Elected in 2013, Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh serves as the first female Mayor of Malmö. In this capacity, she has been on the board of SKL (Swedish Municipalities and Counties), which gave her invaluable insight into the opportunities and challenges faced by cities around Sweden. In her role as Mayor, Jammeh manages finance, public procurement, business and commerce and steers the city's corporations and agencies.

Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 7
53113 Bonn
T.+49-228/97 62 99-00 F.+49-228/97 62 99-01 Email: www.iclei.org
European Secretariat
Leopoldring 3
79098 Freiburg, Germany
Brussels Office
Av. de Tervuren 35
1040 Bruxelles
Africa secretariat
Physical address:
3 Knowledge Park
Century City
Cape Town
South Africa
Postal address:
PO Box 5319
South Africa
north america
Canada Office
401 Richmond St. W
Studio 204
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 3A8, Canada
USA Office
1536 Wynkoop St.
Suite 901
Denver, Colorado
USA 80202
Mexico City Special Commission on Climate Change from the Mexican Senate
Paseo de la Reforma 136 Piso 14 Of. B, Col. Juarez, C.P. 06600, Del. Cuauhtemoc, Ciudad de Mexico
South America
South America Secretariat Brazil Project Office
Rua Ibiraçu, 226, Vila Madalena
São Paulo / SP - Brazil
CEP 05451-040
South Asia
South Asia Secretariat
Ground Floor, NSIC-STP Complex NSIC Bhawan, Okhla Industrial Estate New Delhi – 110020, India
east asia
East Asia Secretariat
14/F, Seoul Global Center Building, 38 Jongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea (110-110)
Japan Office
1-14-2 Nishi-Shimbashi,
Tokyo, Japan 105-0003
Kaohsiung Capacity Center
4F. No.436, Daye N. Rd.
Xiaogang Dist.
Kaohsiung City 812
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Korea Office
(16429) 3F, Suwon Research Institute,
126, Suin-ro, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si,
Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
southeast asia
Southeast Asia Secretariat
c/o The Manila Observatory Ateneo de Manila University Campus Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1101 Manila, Philippines
ICLEI Indonesia Project Office
Rasuna Office Park III WO. 06-09 Komplek Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. Taman Rasuna Selatan, Kuningan DKI Jakarta, 12960, Indonesia
Oceania Secretariat
Level 1, 200 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia
ICLEI membership online application form
ICLEI World Congress 2018
Associate Partnership